Episode 49: Benji B

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BENJI B sees the glass half full. His enthusiasm for the massive energy release and experimentation that will emerge from the pandemic is more than just blind optimism; it’s faith in the fact that over the course of his career, he notes change as the essential precursor to the greatest creative moments and movements. Seeing music as the outpouring of new groups/scenes of people evolving together, B describes what it’s like to live in the pulse of the music of the moment, panning for the gold of today, while regularly stopping to pinch himself in the realization that he has the best job in the world. Following a compass built on old records that moved the dial, B shares a few touch points from his life of exploring sounds. Walking around with a brain full of music isB’s reality - the moodboard from his mind emerging like the labyrinth of a spider web with the texture of an orchestra. 


Full Interview

No one ever goes into the beginning of something knowing exactly what it’s going to be: all scenes and genres come out of experimentation.

