Episode 68: Yann Tiersen

YANN TIERSEN calls Arman from his studio for a conversation set amidst a blinkering of blue and orange lights from the sound dials, hard drives and synthesisers behind him. While he’s a known legend of cinematic scoring, Tiersen insists that the best soundtrack is not necessarily a composed soundtrack - but using music. Referencing this proper “usage” of music in film, Tiersen points to the master Kubrick himself. Living close to nature is an important part of his life and his music. TIERSEN is the kind of artist who treasures the simple, sacred things, like life without the sound of constant motor engines, or owning a record or book he loves in its physical form because for him, it’s “a piece of me.”

Though Tiersen exudes a sense of peace in his speech and thought processes, he shares that there is a world of chaos at the core of his creative process. When he gets into the studio, he’s inspired by PLAY and ‘MAKING TONS OF NOISE.’ Reminding us that life really should be all about making noise and having fun, TIERSEN’s humbling answer to Arman’s final question brings even more importance to that message. Shortly after Arman asks: “if your life is a movie, what will play in the end credits?” To that TIERSEN responds: “Nothing. A sine wave.” Waving goodbye, we thank YANN for sharing a glimpse into his twinkling mind.



Being close to nature is important in my life and influences my music